Tuesday, May 21, 2013

we were married before we met

we were married before we met

we were married before we met
how could I forget
such a simple fact
glowing in every cell
of my body?

we were married before we met
how foolish now to regret
all those years at sea
on seperate tethered rafts
bamboo logs creaking
and the setting sun
bleeding hazy reflections.

we were married before we met
before water learned to be wet
before God nudged the cauldron
of this universe off our kitchen table
before that before and all befores before it
are we.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Blogging from the ipad

This is an attempt at a blog post with the new ipad. Marvelous device but it seems one has to go html to get any kind of input happening in the posting section.
Well, I suppose that is cool as it remained on the screen when I switched back to compose mode.